More About Me


I come from a family of first generation immigrants and entrepreneurs—so naturally hard work, dedication, and resourcefulness are the drivers of what I do.

I am known by the people around me as honest and compassionate.  So you count on me to handle your transaction with the highest standard of integrity from contract to closing.  



I have a BA in Global Studies and worked in program management in the non-profit sector for six years in New York City.

I also grew up managing and operating a family owned small business—one that got my sister and I through college as the first to graduate higher education in our family.


I love learning languages and immersing myself in new cultures.  I speak Korean, Spanish, and conversational German (feel free throw a little Italian or Portuguese my way, I love to learn).  

I am passionate about learning and building community.  In my free time you’ll find me perusing through my local library, practicing boxing and pilates, and shooting competitive pool in my billard league.